Monday, July 5, 2010

Brother Wisdom

"There's nothing more romantic than a pre-nup."

Friday, July 2, 2010

Mommy, where do larvae come from?

A pair of randy insects chose to mate partially in mid-flight, partially in Bethany's personal space last night.

It was amazing.

To quote: "aaAAHHHH, EW! BUGS!! MATING!!! IN MY LAP!!!!"

Coach Robbins and Coach Dunne

This is an ode to one of my favorite shows....

Oh Sanctuary, how you entertain and inspire;
You are a cunning genius in the ways your characters weave morality and human emotion into the fabric of mystery, adventure, and amazing leather outfits.
Bad-assity level: 46.8
Sactuary; Where the ladies are gorgeous, powerful, and ahead of their time,
The dudes are equally as impressive on paper as they are in fitted V-neck T-shirts,
The hallways are full of monsters and mermaids and other wonders of evolutionary progress,
And every room looks exactly like my future dream home.

And I love you, Dr. Will Zimmerman and Henry Foss, you dog you ;)