Saturday, February 27, 2010

(the other) Coach Lee

Pam Says:

"I know you think you don't snore, but hello! If you wake up with Cheetos in your nose, you'll know why."

Pam Says:

"Girl's gotta make a profit."

on to the next One

The video for Jay-Z's 'On To The Next One' is an absolutely stunning master work. It brilliantly juxtaposes the more opulent, seductive side of hip-hop culture with a primitive, basal human experience: the dichotomic fascination with, and repulsion of, death and the unknown.
When confronted with such dark and evoking imagery, the human psyche instinctively covers its eyes, but then can't help itself from sneaking glances through slightly parted fingers. The allure of the tulle-clad dancers and the ascendant rapper himself amplify the urge to stare, further encouraging the brain to accept that which it longs to indulge in, but usually rejects.
Skulls, goth, and tribal paint alongside expensive sneakers and bling. The sinister alongside the desirable. Dear lord, this video is artistic genius.
Anyone who believes that it is a glorified visual pedestal for devil worship is not only horridly mistaken, but also denying themselves an opportunity to allow their fears to excite and inspire them.

Friday, February 26, 2010

What else are siblings for?

Today I painted-up my sister's face and took pictures of her in the snow.
Images to follow.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I heart Das Racist.

This morning, I fell in love with the music of Das Racist. Oh man, so much in love.

Please listen and feel free to join me when I see them live sometime in the (hopefully) near future.

(Warning: not safe for work...kinda...)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Coach Link

Monday, February 22, 2010

Badassity level: 6

This morning I found myself struggling to gracefully open a bag of cereal. So I decided to open it with this...

Worked like a charm. (A very pointy and slightly dangerous charm.)

Thank you, Biscuit ;)

Better than asparagus.

I wish that my urine smelled like popcorn and hot butter.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pam Says:

"Who's that guy who's kinda scary? Oh, Christopher Walken."

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Honey roasted

Honey Roasted is my favorite kind of roasted.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Great Scot!

Yours truly is currently lounging about in the Mary Queen of Scots room of the Brae Loch Inn, Cazenovia, NY.

This place is magical, and stuffed to the gills with all things Scottish. Last night, I drank some 18-year Laphroaig Scotch before relaxing in the velvety cellar-level lounge.
The room that I am sharing with the Producer and Production Designer is embellished with a huge princess-y bed (with memory foam mattress, this thing is amazing!), antique floral wallpaper, a portrait of Mary herself, and a tile-lined fireplace.
There are dogs and bagpipe music in the lobby, alongside a gift shop that sells kilts and raccoon fur ear muffs.
I am so happy and have never wanted to go to Scotland so badly in my life.

The inn is said to be haunted by several apparitions, but the crew has yet to see anything supernatural. Hopefully the ghosts will warm-up to us before we leave ;)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Grab bag!

TeeFury is selling mystery T-shirts at the reduced price of $5 until midnight tomorrow. Sample images of shirt designs that one could receive upon blindly ordering are available, and most of them are super rad.
I want that.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Coach Kim

Lost a Day

I spent all day yesterday thinking that it was Tuesday, when, in fact, it was Wednesday.
Lesson learned: Ignorance may be bliss, but what you don't know can indeed hurt you.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Coach Campbell

Coach Andrews

Coach Bernal

Coach Roshan

Coach Lee

Coach Meyers

*Dedicated to Cassia*

Carniverous Sticker Art

Arks da Shark, a Philadelphia native, (if a shark could be a native of an inland city) is out there, making the world a cooler place and speaking out against shark finning.
Free sticker packages can be requested from the artist, especially if you have your own sticker art to trade. Check it...

Arks on Myspace
Arks on Flickr

Coach Horner

*Dedicated to Allison Gayle*

Pam Says:

"No one wanted to watch The Sound of Music with me because they don't know what's good."

Winter Precipitation

Not only is it snowing today, it doesn't seem to want to stop.
Pam tells me that South Central Pennsylvania got 24 inches of it on Saturday.

Do it!

The Toolbar.
I did it, and I can tell you from experience that it's great.

Alternative Valentine's Day

Blood Manor is hosting a Bloody Valentine's Weekend this Friday and Saturday, (the 12th and 13th).
The Manor will be its usual disgusting and horrific self, but all the ghouls and goblins will be in their underwear ;)


Guinea Pig. Try it.

Good music, (not the other kind)

My fake brother introduced me to Them Crooked Vultures recently, and I am already a fan.
The "What Does the Band Sound Like" section of their website reads as follows:
'It sounds like the guy from Queens of the Stone Age singing and playing guitar with the
bass player from Led Zeppelin and the drummer from Nirvana.'
Which is exactly what it is: Dave Grohl, John Paul Jones, and Josh Homme. Together. Amazing.

Coach Barker

Coach Henney

*Dedicated to my Sees-tah*

Inexpensive Awesome

Anyone who hasn't seen or heard of yet should check it out. Immediately.
The site posts a new, original T-shirt every 24 hours, and you have exactly one day to purchase it. After that, a new shirt design, created by a different independent artist, will be posted and the clock starts ticking again.
Best part: each shirt only costs $9, ($12 after all the S and H crap).
Other best part: the shirts are usually pretty rad.
I anticipate checking this site every morning, like a kid anticipates the trove of presents under the tree on Christmas morning. So I'm a dweeb.

My New Program

Because of a 14-hour flight and the enthusiasm of a friend, (*cough* Sarah Baker) I have recently become a huge fan of Parks and Recreation.

I admit that I didn't hear of or read any glowing reviews when the show began last year, which caused me to forget about it altogether, but that fateful plane ride has changed me for the better.
This show rules. It is not "just like The Office", it is its own entity and I am deeply saddened that I have already watched all the episodes that Hulu has to offer at present.
Aziz Ansari is hilarious, and Amy Poehler is so good at playing innocent, eccentric, and tenacious simultaneously and in brilliant character.
I freaking love this show.


You don't have to have a dick to be a dick.

Coach Del Toro

The Original Moment of Zen.

Just try to picture it...

I would like to see the child of Angelina Jolie and Owen Wilson.