Monday, April 5, 2010

Relaxing Day

The day after Easter Sunday shall henceforth be known as Relaxing Day.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Friday, April 2, 2010

What's with Today, today?

This morning I got a letter from the government informing me that I will not be receiving a tax refund.
I'm mildly pissed. Damn the Man.

However, it is Good Friday, and a lot of good has already canceled-out Uncle Sam's douche-baggery.

I have clean laundry.
I made fresh juices this morning with the juicer that Allison so generously brought home for us (mmmm...carrot juice...).
I also made some delicious beets and noodle soup.
I got a job!
I received an Easter card from Pam and the rest of my family.
I am going to go to the park right now to eat ice cream with Bethany Hartzell.

Yep, all-in-all, there's quite a bit to be happy about and thankful for.
Eat it, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance.

On that note, here's an adorable picture of a baby seal and some kittens from