I'm mildly pissed. Damn the Man.
However, it is Good Friday, and a lot of good has already canceled-out Uncle Sam's douche-baggery.
I have clean laundry.
I made fresh juices this morning with the juicer that Allison so generously brought home for us (mmmm...carrot juice...).
I also made some delicious beets and noodle soup.
I got a job!
I received an Easter card from Pam and the rest of my family.
I am going to go to the park right now to eat ice cream with Bethany Hartzell.
Yep, all-in-all, there's quite a bit to be happy about and thankful for.
Eat it, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance.
On that note, here's an adorable picture of a baby seal and some kittens from Treehugger.com:
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